TESLA car-sharing

A mobility sharing service that combines usage purposes and preferences

Project Breif

In the era of Mobility 4.0, the concept of vehicles has shifted from "ownership" to "service/use," and I have planned a service targeting the 2030 generation who want to use car-sharing services according to various usage purposes, focusing on Tesla, which provides active car-sharing services.


Heejae Bae, Junyoung Park, Hanjun Ko (3 months)

Role & Process

I conducted research on the rapidly expanding car-sharing market in line with the advancements in mobility. My analysis primarily focused on Tesla's Robotaxi, which is one of the most prominent car-sharing services among numerous car brands. As part of this process, I worked on UX strategies, personas, storyboards, and flowcharts. Also, I conducted user testing based on wireframes, and ultimately designed a mobile app and a car dashboard GUI as a final deliverables of the project.

Final Deliverables

Mobile app & Vehicle dashboard (IVI)


1. Change in Mobility Paradigm

1-1) Transformation in the meaning of mobility

The advancement of IT technology, simplification of production processes, and changes in means of transportation have also brought about a transformation in the meaning of mobility.

1-2) Emergence of the sharing economy in the mobility industry

Currently, automotive manufacturers are either operating their own car-sharing service platforms or establishing partnerships and making investments in car-sharing companies.

2. Mobility market trends

2-1. Increase in Car sharing market needs

The car sharing market is expanding with a growing variety of car sharing types, and there is an increasing trend towards business-oriented car sharing platforms that can generate more profits than individual vehicle sharing.

2-2. The combined demand for car-sharing, autonomous driving, and the electric vehicle market

The rise of the sharing economy and technological advancements have increased the demand for autonomous driving and electric vehicles. As demand for new car purchases decreases and the vehicle-sharing market expands, there is a growing trend towards combining the benefits of autonomous driving and electric vehicles to expand sharing mobility businesses.


1. Tesla’s Robotaxi Service

  1. Tesla plans to establish a Tesla network that customers can join through fully autonomous driving capabilities and launch a robotaxi service.

  2. It is possible to provide a taxi service where the vehicle can be shared like Uber while the owner is not using the Tesla, allowing them to earn additional income.

  3. Tesla car owners can expect to earn up to about $3,000 in revenue per month.

  4. It is expected that significant revenue can be generated through advanced services such as food delivery, unmanned delivery systems, and unmanned truck logistics systems in addition to the robotaxi service once it is commercialized.

Tesla is focusing on securing potential customers by providing a driving experience with shared cars even if they do not purchase a car from Tesla.

2. Tesla’s EV business strategy & strengths

2-1. Tesla's mass-market strategy

2-2. Strengths of Tesla's car-sharing service

3. Tesla target customer analysis and needs

UX Principles

Defining UX principles for securing potential customers by providing purpose-based mobility experiences through car-sharing

Service Map

It is a cyclical service map of continuous circulation and sharing of new car-sharing experiences that can attract potential customers through a virtuous cycle.

User Testing

Feedback based on user test of 4 people who has an experience of car rental. Below designs are 3 major improvements from the UT feedback.

01. Main page (Home)

It is difficult to intuitively understand that this is a rental service for various purposes.


Rearrange the purpose-based rental to the bottom of the main page.


02. History page

Prefer to view my [Itinerary history] in recent order rather than having [Memories to remember] placed at the top.


Removed [Memories to remember] section and applied a filter at the top for better usage of users needs.


03. Community page

In the process of creating the itinerary contents, the first step as a [Car] tab does not feel like it is part of the content creation to the user.


Removed the [Car] tab and clearly convey that the content creation process is focused on the itinerary. Also, revised the layout to a single-page design so that the user can predict final outcome easily.


Final Design

Mobile App

4 Main key screen of the mobile app design

01. Renting a car based on the purpose of the user

02. Record a user's trip as a diary and share information with the Tesla community

03. An automatically saved journey in which users can view detailed experiences during the trip

Vehicle Dashboard

3 Main key screen of the dashboard design

01. Main (Home) : Vehicle check-in

Design that incorporates a visual information display for the rented vehicle and a navigation screen.

Visualize the preset screen for vehicle usage and enable the user to receive journey tips and information from the Tesla community.

02. Community

Provide a camera feature screen for journey recording to enhance the user's experience and create lasting memories during their Tesla experience.

03. Journey Camera



During the Tesla car-sharing project, I’ve made every effort to create a product that met the needs of the diverse purposes of the 2030 generation's car rental, assuming that autonomous self-driving Robotaxi would be operational. However, we became aware of the downside that automatically recording a user's trip could lead to invasion of personal privacy. While automatic recording could provide convenience, we felt the need to add a feature that would allow users to control this aspect manually. This project was an opportunity for in-depth research and design in the field of mobility and Tesla, and it lasted for about three months.

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