Diary for pets’ condition and recovery


WithVet is a pet care diary app designed to help pet owners know their pet's condition and recover completely via telemedicine. Constant communication with the veterinarian and keeping on track with the pet's condition helps the owner to be relieved with WithVet.


I have conducted research, survey, and interview to collect the actual pain points of the pet owners. Proceeded user persona, storyboard, wireframe, and iterated design based on user testing. And completed the final solution design with the prototype.

Role & Process

Project members

Heejae Bae, Yoonji Lee, Yoojin Kim (3 months)

The pet population increases each year, and over 10 years the number of pet dogs and cats in the U.S. is expected to increase substantially.


I have processed the survey results and specified 5 in-person interviews about the concern of owning a pet.



[In-person Interview]

Telemedicine is a choice for the pet owner in emergencies and less costly than visiting the pet hospital.

However, what is the problem of current pet telemedicine service?

From research of the top 3 apps, pet care service was only focusing on providing 24/7 temporary live access to veterinarians. And I found that almost none of them had the aspect of considering the pets’ condition after care or prescription.


Currently, the pet telemedicine app focuses only on temporary medical advice. Users are frustrated with unclear information which doesn't help with alleviating the pets’ illnesses.

Users want their pets’ to recover perfectly with constant & trustworthy communication with Veterinarians.

Through the survey, interviews, and reviews of current apps, temporary online pet care telemedicine does not give users a feeling of complete pet care. Based on the research I have come up with 3 main UX insights to improve current problems that pet owners are experiencing.


Pet owners want constant communication from veterinarians until their pets are fully recovered by the previous conditions.

01. Communication

For precise pet care through online, pet health records by owner and previous medical records by Vet should be easily shared.

02. Sharing

Records are important, owners and vets can keep track of pet condition & data when the pet gets sick again.

03. History

I have 2 persona, each persona has a different user story, pain point, and final goal.

Persona 1 & 2

Also a third persona, veterinarian, who also has a need for diagnosing and prescribing pets’ illnesses.

Persona 3

I have created a storyboard of how pet owner and veterinarian interact together with each product.


Information Architecture

Created each I.A for pet owner and veterinarian.

Feedback based on user test of 7 people, focus on the points that user felt important or lack of service. Below designs are 3 major improvements from the UT feedback.

User Test

Iterate design 01

4/7 felt previous [Add Note] CTA seems to be an annoying point which partially hides note section.

CTA replacement

6/7 felt the section distinction between the calendar and the note is not clear which caused confusion in usage.

Adding half sheet

Iterate design 02

4/7 felt the proportion of [SOS Video Call] CTA was too small, making it difficult to recognize.

I have modified and resized the CTA, so that it will be the focal point of the page.

Resizing CTA

Iterate design 03

3/7 felt it was difficult to find a way to share notes after saving them.
They suggested having a share function in the add note page for better usage.

Adding share function

Style Guide

Final Design 01

For pet owners (Mobile)


Keep track of pets’ condition

  • Contribute to the complete recovery of pets by archiving pet & veterinarian diagnostic record.
  • The pet condition records could be used as good reference material for vets to diagnose possible problems and prescribe medication when a pet is sick unexpectedly.
  • Using intuitive icons makes it easy to show the pets’ condition at a glance.


Add & Share information

  • Users can record their pet status and share it with the veterinarian and family.
  • Users can add a veterinarian's diagnoses in the diary and archive them steadily.


Easy guidance for users

  • Easy to chat with a veterinarian or search for a pet hospital.
  • Users can see reviews in the hospital list and get detailed information.

For veterinarian (Web)

Final Design 02


Optimized for management

  • It is optimized to manage pets' information along with communication with the pet owner.
  • Vets can easily control the message and video call availability status and view detail records in the dashboard.


On/Off-line appointments

  • For online and offline tasks, the vet can check overall monthly tasks and daily appointments. 


Brief pet list for vets

  • Pet list who has visited or made an appointment before with the vet.
  • It provides viewing details about the pet, adding comments, and sending messages.


Profile settings

  • Manage setting information about the hospital and the user (veterinarian).


In the beginning of the project, I only focused on problem solving telemedicine itself. Through survey, interview, searching for reviews, and analyzing current apps gave me a new direction of improving telemedicine.

1. New direction from research process

2. Always consider product from various perspectives

Processing the project I realized that veterinarians could also be another users of the service. From this experience, I got a broader perspective breaking away from the typical assumption that there will be only one persona type.

3. Designing the best device for each user

The characteristics of pet owners and veterinarians prompted me to continue developing mobile apps for pet owners and web apps for veterinarians. This experience allowed me to think deeply about the appropriate device for each user.

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